Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Persuasive speech

This month we have learning about persuasive speeches and writing. We have written and given persuasive speeches about famous people as well as giving a speech of our own topic choice. It has been quite a lot of work! In a persuasive speech, you need to have a clear voice, expressions, rapport; eye contact and you have to be confident. First you need to pick a topic. Second, write points for & against. Choose 6 topics and put them in logical order. Add details using real life examples, facts, strategies and quotes from famous people. Write the speech into an essay including introduction and conclusion, and then make cue cards.

These things all need to be included for a successful persuasive speech. We needed to remember all of those features saying speeches to the class. We were all hoping to be one of the lucky three chosen for the speech competition last Thursday when our lucky parents got to see us in action! You can see the students who got chosen from their photos and Katelyn come third overall- congratulations!

By: Katelyn, Osama and Daniel.


  1. i loved the speeches. elo

  2. It was quite hard giving the speeches, every one was nervous.
